In the process of learning about effects in racket, I came across an interesting question I could reason about using types in Haskell: What is the difference between stacking StateT
on ExceptT
versus ExceptT
on StateT
over ExceptT
If in doubt, keep the documentation of ExceptT and StateT ready.
type SE = StateT Int (ExceptT String Identity) Char
test :: SE
a = runStateT test 0 :: ExceptT String Identity (Char, Int)
b = runExceptT a :: Either String (Char, Int)
test = do
put 10
return 'A'
a = ExceptT (Identity (Right ('A',10)))
b = Identity (Right ('A', 10))
runStateT :: StateT Int (ExceptT String Identity) Char -> Int -> ExceptT String Identity (Char, Int)
takes an Int
and runs a computation SE
to give a state and a result, wrapped in an ExceptT
. In this case, the computation is a success.
test = do
put 10
throwError "No"
a = ExceptT (Identity (Left "No"))
b = Identity (Left "No")
Why is the state not included when there's an error? The type of b
indicates the error (the Left side of Either) does not carry state. This is interesting... Where is this behavior defined? Let's look at the documentation.
Given a StateT s m a
, its constructor is StateT (s -> m (a, s))
and the constructor of ExceptT e m a
is ExceptT (m (Either e a))
. In our case, the constructor becomes StateT (Int -> ExceptT String Identity (Char, Int))
. Here, s is the state, m is the inner monad and a is the type of result.
So, that explains why we don't see the state tied to an error. Furthermore, any modifications to the state after the error are not tracked.
over StateT
Consider the dual of SE
type ES = ExceptT String (StateT Int Identity) Char
a = runExceptT test' :: StateT Int Identity (Either String Char)
b = runState a 0 :: (Either String Char, Int)
test' = do
put 10
return 'A'
This works as expected and we get a b = (Right 'A', 10)
. We can not inspect a
because it is a computation that depends on a future state.
test' = do
put 10
throwError "No"
becomes (Left "No", 10)
. So, it does preserve the state after all! As the type signature of b
implies, we always have the state returned no matter whether the computation ended up in a Left or a Right.
The Alternative does not undo state changes and ends up with b = (Right 'X',10)
go :: ES
go = do
put 42
let x = (test' <|>)
test' <|> return 'X'
test' :: ES
test' = do
put 10
throwError "No"
On the other hand, when the StateT
monad is the outer layer, the computation can indeed back out on error and restore the old state. So, b
becomes Identity (Right ('X',42))
. Isn't this cool!?
go :: SE
go = do
put 42
test <|> return 'X'
test :: SE
test = do
put 10
throwError "No"
Note: You can extract the value from Identity
monad using runIdentity :: Identity a -> a
The excellent explanation on this stackoverflow post inspires this post.